If you have been thinking about getting a body contouring procedure like CoolSculpting, you’ve probably wondered, what is CoolSculpting? This non-invasive body contouring treatment uses cryolipolysis to break down fat cells without any type of recovery time or injections. Let’s explore the benefits of this treatment and learn how it can help you achieve your body contouring goals. Let’s get started! Here’s a closer look at CoolSculpting.

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive body contouring treatment

The first FDA-cleared non-invasive body contouring procedure, CoolSculpting targets and destroys about 20 percent of the fat cells in the targeted areas, leaving the remaining tissues intact. In contrast, other non-invasive body contouring procedures tighten and damage the fat cells but leave the surrounding tissue untouched. Consequently, CoolSculpting is considered to be more effective than other non-invasive body contouring treatments. CoolSculpting is a popular treatment among women seeking to reduce their muffin top and love handles.

It uses cryolipolysis to break down fat cells

A doctor performing Coolsculpting will use a special device that applies extreme cold to targeted fat deposits. The low temperatures used in this procedure destroy fat cells, but healthy tissue is spared. Patients generally feel little discomfort during the treatment, but some may experience some pain or soreness afterward. The procedure is FDA-approved and can produce results in as little as eight weeks. Patients should not be significantly overweight or obese for this treatment, as it can cause adverse side effects.

It doesn’t require any type of injections

The procedure is noninvasive and doesn’t involve any type of injections or surgery. The procedure freezes fat cells in their target area. The body then expels them naturally. The procedure takes around thirty to sixty minutes per treatment, depending on the area of concern. Patients will begin seeing results within three weeks of their treatment, but final results may take six to nine months. The results are usually permanent.

It doesn’t require any type of recovery time

Although CoolSculpting is a noninvasive procedure, it does involve some swelling and recovery time. It is important to understand what to expect from this time and be prepared for any pain that may occur after the procedure. Most patients will not experience significant pain during the procedure, but you should be prepared for minor discomfort that may last for a day or two around the treated area. Painkillers may be necessary to manage any discomfort after CoolSculpting.

It’s not a weight loss treatment

Although it may not seem like a weight loss treatment, CoolSculpting can remove stubborn pockets of fat. While it is not a weight loss treatment, it does require that you lose weight prior to the procedure. This procedure freezes the fat cells below the surface of the skin. The process is safe for most people, and you can even drive home immediately after the procedure. A coolsculpting practitioner will use an applicator to target the areas where you want to see improvement.