Acne Scar Treatment

In-depth analysis

Acne Scar Removal

Acne Scar Removal with Radio Frequency (RF) Microneedling

RF microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure used in the treatment of acne scars. RF microneedling breaks up the accumulation of collagen bundles present in acne scars and promotes the production of collagen and elastin. RF microdeedling improves the texture and volume of skin and minimizes the look of scars. Multiple scar revision techniques are often combined to maximize results.

Acne Scar Revision with Subcision

A subcision is a surgical procedure used for the treatment of depressed acne scars or wrinkles. Depressed acne scars result from fibrotic strands that pull the skin downward. Subcision is a technique used to cut the fibrotic strands, releasing the tension and allowing the depressed skin to rise. Multiple scar revision techniques are often combined to maximize results.

Acne Scar Revision- VI Peel

Acne Scar Revision with Fillers

Dermal fillers are used in the treatment of acne scars to replace the volume loss of depressed acne scars and raise indentations. Dermal fillers help to support the structure for collagen and elastin regeneration creating a smoother appearance. Multiple scar revision techniques are often combined to maximize results.

Acne Scar Revision with TCA CROSS

TCA CROSS is the chemical reconstruction of skin scars (CROSS) using Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA). TCA CROSS is a technique used to elevate scars and is effective in the treatment of atrophic scars such as ice-pick scars, scars left from chicken pox, and open pores. Multiple scar revision techniques are often combined to maximize results.

Acne scar revision with Lasers

Lasers are used in the treatment of acne scars to resurface the skin, promote collagen and elastin formation, healthy cell growth, and even skin tone. Multiple scar revision techniques are often combined to maximize results.