If you’re considering having the CoolSculpting procedure, you’ll probably want to know more about the cost, downtime, and side effects of this procedure. This article will provide answers to these questions, as well as more information about the procedure itself. Keep reading to learn more. Listed below are some of the most important facts about this treatment. Read on for a detailed look at CoolSculpting. It can be an effective way to get rid of stubborn fat, as well as a quick and affordable way to make your body shape better.


A new research study published in the journal Surgery and Clinical Investigation has confirmed the benefits of CoolSculpting for treating unwanted fat. Cryolipolysis, or freezing fat, occurs by freezing tissue at a cold enough temperature to cause fat cells to crystallize and disintegrate. The treatment results in a slimmer body by helping treated areas lose fat. The extreme cold causes fat cells in these areas to expand, helping them disintegrate.


The primary advantage of CoolSculpting is its minimal downtime. You do not need to go under anesthesia, wear bandages, or stop working out. In fact, you can have CoolSculpting performed on your lunch break. CoolSculpting is effective for nearly any area of fat that can be easily pinched. These areas include your stomach, love handles, saddlebags, double chin, and bra roll.

Side effects

Linda Evangelista, a supermodel who starred in Versace campaigns during the 1990s, recently opened up about the side effects of her CoolSculpting procedure. She revealed that she had the procedure to lose weight, but now is worried about a potential side effect called paradoxical adipose hyperplasia. This side effect causes fat cells to grow back larger than before, requiring additional sessions and corrective surgeries.


The CoolSculpting procedure uses the proven science of cryolipolysis to remove unwanted fat cells without surgery. The treatment uses freezing temperatures to destroy fat cells without damaging surrounding tissue. This method doesn’t involve surgery or invasive methods, and results are natural-looking. The procedure doesn’t damage skin or underlying tissues, and patients can feel a cooling sensation during the procedure. This procedure is not a substitute for liposuction or surgery, and the procedure is a great way to address stubborn areas without surgery or the associated risks.

Is it worth it?

Although this procedure is non-surgical, there are some risks associated with it. The procedure kills fat cells and leaves other tissues unharmed. Patients should also keep in mind that their body can gain weight again, so a healthy lifestyle is critical for preserving results. However, many people find the procedure easier to maintain than they would have if they hadn’t had the treatment in the first place.